Different styles of illustration for different age groups
Baby board books are usually very simply illustrated. Either black and white for very young babies or more colourful but simple images for older ones. See the examples below.
Picture books are aimed at children aged 3-8 and are massively varied in style. Anything from watercolour, line and wash, acrylic, collage, digital images, found objects, photos and everything in between.
The next stage of genre is aimed at the tweenagers. Who like to have a hybrid version of a fiction/chapter/ picture book. This area of publishing has been growing over the past ten years approximately. Books such as the Claude series by Alex.T.Smith are very popular easy reading material for those aged 7 upwards. See below for some examples.

Information graphics or non-fiction books are commonly used for research for children, whether it be for personal use or for a school project/topic. This genre of books can range largely also in its style of illustration. Ranging from the geometic animal figures of Dieter Braun in his beautiful Wild animals of the north or the very naiive images and visual lists of Shackleton's Journey by William Grill. There is something for everyone.

Graphic Novels were seen as popular to teens reading about superheroes and villans. But now there are much more topics to choose from including Manga, Classic fiction, plays from Shakespeare, animated cartoon series such as Pokemon, non fiction events in history and true life stories etc.

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