User testing consideration
Looking at whether your design works is very important, so user testing is the main way to do this.
Talk to people
Appropriate testing does this testing work?
We test because we don't want angry customers
Eye candy?
It needs to do it's job as well as look good.
Reputation/ word of mouth
Reputation will suffer if people bad mouth product
Extra work made?
The design needs to have already answered questions
User frustration
the producer could be liable if it doesn't work.
Find out if consumer likes the product, is it age appropriate, does it inspire, does it interest them. Does it get good reviews?
Who to test, existing data (maybe market research data showing how product or service is used.
Ideal test strangers are better for constructive criticism
Key measures
Audience, who are they, how old, cultural, what are you trying to say, setting, are they knew to it?
Think about the user journey from beginning to end
The larger the amount of people tested the more clear the data is.
The three P's
Preferences measures
example scoring on a scale of five or seven points
is text legible
Performance measures
how fast or accurately the information and product maybe used. (people may say they prefer a design but it may not be most effective).
Process measures
watching to videoing consumer can help
functional questions
how would you rate it?
who? what where? when?
will question add value are questions clear? open ended questions such as why?
pre -testing of prototype is best time
some testing is better than none
rounder solutions the more you test the better things will be refined
key thinking. why struggle coming up with a guess at right answer when user can tell you.
Testing Process
Define the user testing needs
think through how/where you'll achieve testing
choose the research methods
collect data
analyse date
make alterations
Below is the questionnaire I have made for user testing.
Talk to people
Appropriate testing does this testing work?
We test because we don't want angry customers
Eye candy?
It needs to do it's job as well as look good.
Reputation/ word of mouth
Reputation will suffer if people bad mouth product
Extra work made?
The design needs to have already answered questions
User frustration
the producer could be liable if it doesn't work.
Find out if consumer likes the product, is it age appropriate, does it inspire, does it interest them. Does it get good reviews?
Who to test, existing data (maybe market research data showing how product or service is used.
Ideal test strangers are better for constructive criticism
Key measures
Audience, who are they, how old, cultural, what are you trying to say, setting, are they knew to it?
Think about the user journey from beginning to end
The larger the amount of people tested the more clear the data is.
The three P's
Preferences measures
example scoring on a scale of five or seven points
is text legible
Performance measures
how fast or accurately the information and product maybe used. (people may say they prefer a design but it may not be most effective).
Process measures
watching to videoing consumer can help
functional questions
how would you rate it?
who? what where? when?
will question add value are questions clear? open ended questions such as why?
pre -testing of prototype is best time
some testing is better than none
rounder solutions the more you test the better things will be refined
key thinking. why struggle coming up with a guess at right answer when user can tell you.
Testing Process
Define the user testing needs
think through how/where you'll achieve testing
choose the research methods
collect data
analyse date
make alterations
Below is the questionnaire I have made for user testing.
I am designing an e book for the National Archives aimed at
children aged 10-12 yrs. I would like some help in making it as good as it can
be. Be as honest as you can in telling me what you think of the pages I have
designed so far.
Question 1
On a scale of 1-5 what would you score each page. 1 not so
good and 4 really good
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
1 2 3
4 1 2
3 4 1
2 3 4
Question 2
What do you think worked on each page?
How effective are the text, pictures, questions, layout etc.
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Question 3
What didn’t work? Why?
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Question 4
Do you think it could help you learn with your studies?
Question 5
If you could change anything what would it be? Why?
How long did it take you to complete the tasks?
Has it helped you to understand historical enquiry?
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