Reasoning behind my work
1 The things that inspired my final solutions and choices are: A subject that could be linked through three documents to tell a story. I feel this is important as it allows a fuller picture of a period in time and a different viewpoint. A subject or person that children may not have heard of before instead of regurgitating the obvious historical events. Important because re-running the same things can become boring and limiting for children's knowledge. Allow children to see a different side of WW1 period, as views are very blinkered towards fighting in the physical sense. Learning about espionage gives a real sense of what else happens in war. 2 I feel that my final designs for this brief are effective because I have kept the pages relatively simple. Included interesting questions and activities for the children to research and complete. I have given them opportunity to use their historical enquiry skills to put the pieces of each worksheet together like a jigsa...